Our Vision

Comoros known and loved by the world as a jewel of ecotourism; its culture and natural heritage appreciated and protected by its people; and Adore Comores a respected industry leader in customer service, local and international partnerships, employee satisfaction, and sustainable development.


Our Mission

Adore Comores exists to be a blessing to the people of Comoros by developing a thriving ecotourism sector.

We deliver international standards for global visitors discovering Comoros and we support passionate Comorians in preserving their heritage.

Our Core Values


PASSIONWe are passionate about preserving Comoros’ amazing beauty and diversity, so we work whole-heartedly behind the scenes to ensure that every tour is incredible and sustainable.

PROFESSIONALISMWe deliver, model and teach the highest standards of professionalism in all aspects of our work, including communication, punctuality, and follow-through.

SERVICEWe model servant-leadership through exceptional service to our customers, our partners, our country, and our teammates.

SUSTAINABILITYOur desire is to preserve and protect the natural and cultural heritage of Comoros so that Comorians, and the world, can continue to enjoy it. We are continuously evolving our operations, training local communities, and introducing green technologies to create truly sustainable eco-tourism in the Comoros.

INTEGRITYAs individuals and a team we are committed to honesty, transparency, and authentic character in our lives and work. We pursue character before profit and demonstrate that an honest business brings the greatest benefit to its customers and the nation.

TEAM SPIRIT“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” We work together as a team to support, encourage, challenge, and push one another toward success. We welcome our customers and service partners to join in and experience this team spirit with us.

LOVEAdore Comores. Our name says it all: we Love Comoros. Our love for this nation and its people drives everything we do and how we do it. We want to “Love our neighbours as our ourselves” and to ensure that our company’s objectives (vision and mission) and our methods (core values) bring the maximum blessing and benefit to our employees, customers, partners, and nation.